A course guiding you into a deeper understanding of the practice of Yoga and how it can relieve your pain.
Do you have back pain, neck pain, hip pain?
Are you having a hard time figuring out how to relieve your pain, holistically?
Have you always wanted to do yoga but have been intimidated?
Do you currently practice yoga but you want to know more?
Do you practice yoga and walk away with more aches than when you started?
Is a part of your body bothering you when you practice and you can’t figure out why?
Are you having a hard time listening to your body’s needs?
Do you ignore your body’s wisdom and then find yourself hurting?
I have felt all of these.
At the age of 20 I set out to find a way to relieve my back pain and learn about my body.
I discovered yoga after taking a class in college. At the time I wasn’t sold on the practice because it seemed I had to be flexible and at the time I wasn’t flexible.
I fell in love after taking another class a couple years later.
I fell in love with the way it was being taught.
My teacher was teaching me how to do yoga rather than just having me follow along.
She was teaching me how to listen to my body rather than telling me how my body felt.
And it helped my back pain tremendously, which was what I wanted.
I remember going to my massage therapist after having practiced for only 3 months and having her tell me that my back muscles had totally transformed.
I finally had found a wellness program that was helpful for me but I had to learn what was right for my body because even though the practice of yoga is incredibly helpful, it can cause more pain.
I have worked with thousands of students who have body pain and I have learned what works and what doesn’t work.
There are definitely things that don’t work and I wish someone would have told me that early on.
I created an online course specifically designed to teach you how yoga can help your back pain. It is organized in a way that simplifies the yoga practice and teaches you about your specific needs.
It is a stand alone course meaning all the modules are recorded and you have them forever.
If you suffer from back pain and you want to learn how yoga can help, this course is for you.
Here’s what we cover…
How to use yoga to relieve your back pain, hip pain, shoulder pain, neck pain.
The poses, breathing and relaxation techniques I do to relieve my back pain.
The way I have gained trust in my body to tell me what it needs.
Why doctors recommend yoga for back pain relief.
How sequencing poses is important for pain relief.
What poses will specifically help your body.
The anatomy that you need to know to be able to support you in relief.
Several practices you can do right at your desk.
How I have maintained a healthy body for the past 20 years.
Pain is how our bodies let us know that they need support. What kind of support is always the question?
There are many ways we can support our bodies when we are in pain. Yoga is one way.
I will teach you the things you need to know to relieve your pain and you will have all the information to study your own body’s specific needs.
And in this way, you will be able to use it and feel confident that you know what is best for you.
COST $397
I so look forward to guiding you.
The Content…
Module 1:
Is all about The Pelvis. Learn how and why working with your pelvis is the single most important thing you can do to relieve pain. This module is the foundation of the course and it, in itself is incredibly valuable.
Module 2:
Is all about The Feet and Legs. Learn why working with your legs and feet affect your whole body, specifically your posture.
Module 3:
Is all about the Head, Neck, and Shoulders. If you have upper back pain, this is the module for you.
Module 4:
Is all about The Core. So many myths about the core and how it works in the body. This module clears up the myths and gets right to the core of The Core :)
Module 5:
Is all about the breath. Breath work is invaluable. It is our natural medicine. I teach several breath work techniques that are easy and accessible anytime. This module is a necessity for everyone!
There are several bonuses from extra sequences and more intermediate poses to breaking down Yoga for Scoliosis to Learning about the important of the heart. I add bonus content whenever I am called and you have access to all of it.
“My career as a computer programmer requires long hours staring intensely into a computer monitor. Needless to my body has suffered the consequences. In particular, my shoulders developed deep pinpointing striking pain..too deep for massages to get to. In addition, I have osteo-arthritis in my neck that causes periodic headaches.
Thank goodness I discovered Shauna’s particular magic approach to yoga. Her carefully thought out approach causes no harm to a damaged body while she takes you through the asanas that offer amazing relief. The key..I can’t stress this enough..is in the DETAILS! It isn’t enough to just read about the particular asana. The key to getting relief is to have a careful detailed explanation about what your body is supposed to do. I can now manage my stiff shoulders and neck by applying those details..not just in my yoga practice but just adjusting how I stand in grocery lines, stretching my back as I wait for the microwave! Shauna’s approach WORKS!
“I have back and hip issues. This program is helping me stay healthy, it’s toning my muscles and stimulating my circulation. I get so much relief in my back and hip by practicing the poses. They also help me relax and teach me breath control, which I love. ”
“I don’t have horrible pain, but I do have discomfort while standing or walking. I always feel I need more stability and relief.
After taking the program, I had more stability and a greater awareness. I now weave in aspects into my classes and home practice, particularly exercises from the core week. When I do the core exercises, it really helps me. I learned that less is more and I love how simple and straightforward the program is.”