You are here because you are…
…Courageous and Brave. Strong and Powerful. Beautiful and Wise.
…and you are meant to live a life you truly love.
I am here to support you. To show you your uniqueness and specialness. To guide your healing work. To help you become more self-aware and see your truest self so that you become it.
Welcome home. I’m Shauna Lay.
I’m an embodiment expert + certified Women's Empowerment Coach here to help you lean into your desires and build a life you truly love.
I teach powerful and courageous women the importance of true acceptance and connection to the self and to others. As your coach, I’ll show you that a thriving work and family life – real happiness – begins with steady introspection.
I’ll stand beside you and allow you to be YOU. Through our work together, we will honor your life with all of its colors, and propel you into honest communication with yourself + others.
Think of our work together like spilling out your purse on the kitchen table. We’re going to sift through that big messy pile, get rid of all the scraps of receipts and crumbs, put back the things that are already working, and pick up the individual pieces that need to be changed. Nothing goes back into the bag that doesn’t serve you in creating the life of your dreams.
In this hectic life, it’s easy to forget who you are and what you are meant for. My job is to walk beside you and help you remember.
After years of dissatisfaction, I’ve discovered how to live a truly remarkable life.
I have intimate supportive relationships, a business that is totally fulfilling, two extraordinary homes, and the ability to be present with my beautiful family.
But most of all, I live a slow and steady, present and connected life.
As I like to say, I am much more interested in BE-ing in my life than DO-ing my life. I do a lot but my focus is on being present in every thing I do.
But it hasn’t always been this way (and by the way, it still isn’t always this way). Always a work in progress.
For years, I went through the motions in my daily life feeling constantly dissatisfied.
I wasn’t depressed, I wasn’t angry (well maybe a little), I was sad. The sadness was the emotion of dissatisfaction.
I struggled to find deep meaning in my life and in this way I felt like I needed to CONTROL everything.
I would walk into the room, lift my chest, and put a smile on my face because I knew I was supposed to look confident and be sure of myself. (CONTROL)
After all, I was holding so much together: my family, marriage, work commitments… (CONTROL)
But on the inside, I struggled. (CONTROL)
My mind always took me somewhere else. I was constantly trying to please other people. (CONTROL)
I liked myself, but it didn’t stop me from conforming my beliefs, actions, and behaviors to what I thought others would like or what others wanted from me.
I knew that I was unique and different from other people, but I wanted to fit in. Don’t we all?
I secretly wanted a thriving healing business, a non-profit to give back, a beautiful home in the mountains, to travel the world, to wear beautiful sexy clothes… but I was afraid of what others would think of me. I was afraid if I went for these things, I would fail. I was afraid I wouldn’t be able to make the money on my own. I was afraid close friends and family would leave or disagree with my choices.
I wanted to create. I wanted to write and teach and study and draw and make things. I wanted to do what I wanted, when I wanted and how I wanted. I wanted lots and lots of time with my kids always.
I began to use my life as my experiment.
My experiences and relationships as my teachers. My challenges as my opportunities for growth.
I hired mentor after mentor to help me catapult the process of self-awareness.
I healed my limiting beliefs.
And I discovered myself, a woman that is full of love and support and guidance and true happiness.
And I embraced life, everything about it.
I went full time into my healing business, I founded a non-profit, I healed all of my relationships, I started a daily spiritual practice, I bought a home in the mountains. I fully found myself.
I fully trust the process that lies in front of me and I know that within each challenge there is opportunity for growth.
I see now that acceptance and introspection is my work and it is the work that will continue to allow me to expand and grow and deepen my capacity to love.
My work in the world is to teach the importance of true acceptance and connection to the self and to others. To show that true happiness and thriving in your business and life begins with acceptance of what already is and then it’s about acute and steady introspection of the self. It’s about honoring your life, with all of its colors and communicating who you are through your words, thoughts and actions.
The key to your desires is in your awareness.
This is where I come in.
I am a mirror for you. I reflect to you what I see in you. I am your support system.
In this way, you can make the changes that aren’t working for you. If you cannot see them, how can you change them?
And then you will BE and LOVE your truth.
I’M HERE to support you while being me. To show you your uniqueness and specialness while living mine. To heal you while healing myself. To be me while you be you.
How to Work with Me
Follow me on Instagram
I share frequent updates + insights about how you can heal the behavioral patterns that don’t serve you and live your greatest life over on Instagram. Let’s connect!
Download the Design Your Desired Life Workbook
Get free, instant access to this workbook for professional women ready to embrace their dreams. Discover dozens of transformative exercises, practices, and journaling prompts to support you in planting the seeds for a life that nourishes every part of you.
Enroll in Private Mentorship
A 7 month journey to embody full sovereignty, for women who want to soften into deep, nourishing intimacy within your relationships and build a loving community that supports you in cultivating a purposeful life, business, and family.
PS: The Human Things
I love soft clothes, flowy clothes, I love really nice fabric. And I love jeans.
I don’t have a lot of rules in my home and when I try to make them my kids look at me like I am crazy.
I move stuff around my house all the time, my husband goes crazy trying to find things.
My right hamstring is tighter than my left, my left hip is tighter than my right, my right quadricep is stronger than my left…I could go on but I don’t want to bore you.
I LOVE to sleep, probably more than anything else. When people say, sleep is over-rated, I totally disagree.
I love math and problem solving. It makes me buzz.
I have a Mechanical Engineering degree and over a 2000 hours of yoga training. I am a certified massage therapist and a life coach.
My husband is an avid kiteboarder, an amazing skier, and a successful business owner and I admire him for all of that.
I drink a smoothie or make homemade juice almost every morning.
I see the opportunity in everything. Even in paying taxes. To a fault.
Yoga is my practice but you probably already knew that.
I am known for making the best pancakes on the planet.
I love anything spiritual, asking why we are here is probably my favorite thing to think about. Maybe because it is impossible to really know.
I am super committed, which means I almost always do what I say I am going to do. Which means I say NO a lot.
I study my thoughts all of the time, sometimes it’s too much.