…a journey devoted to owning your wisdom and expressing it.

Women have been the keepers of wisdom forever...
…and it has been shunned, put down, disguised, and hidden.



…when I didn’t feel confident being with women and being witnessed for who I am. I had people in my life who didn’t like the things I had to say, who judged or rejected me for my beliefs. And it created a lot of pain for me. Until I learned how to sit with other women and embody my wisdom and listen to other women share theirs in a way that created acceptance, and deep listening, and deep love. For myself and for others. And it changed my life.


What if ?

We could all come together, own our wisdom and allow others to own theirs.

What if?

You were able to be witnessed for what you believe in, in a world that is radically divided against one another.

What if?

You could come together with other women, own your beauty and honor the beauty of another in the same breath. Wear what makes you feel beautiful without hesitation.

What if?

Your relationships grew stronger because you started owning your wisdom alongside every other woman.

What kind of life would you create?

(Can you imagine?!?)

I hear women say all the time…

I feel lonely. I desire more. More meaning, more presence, more peace, more beauty, more support, more connection.

I help my clients go from I want this to I have this.

What if you stopped waiting and went AFTER what you really want?

Dressed how you desires. Moved how you desired. Showed up how you desired. Without hesitation or worry.

What if you committed??

(Can you feel that change?)

The secret is right inside of you.

The secret is in owning your wisdom.


What would owning your power, your wisdom change for you?

YOGA VIDEO SLIDES (400 x 150 px) (4).png

what’s included…

- Five (5) 1 hour deep dives or classes.

-Two (2) 1 hour reflections or Q/A’s.

- A intimate community of women on this journey alongside you.

-We begin October 29th, 2021


Have Questions? Send them along to support@shaunalay.com