A program designed to create a deeper, more intimate relationship with yourself and with others
This program is currently closed.
Get on the email list to learn when SC 2024 will open.
You are meant to have beautiful, deep, AND rich relationships
With yourself and with others.
Heck..actually with everything
We are all meant too.
What if you had the confidence to show up fully and completely as yourself and were held deeply in that?
What if you felt safe to fall apart in another’s arms?
What if you were held in the deepest love possible?
It’s all possible.
When we deepen into our relationships, life has so much more meaning and purpose.
It’s all about…
Being the woman who shows up as herself with compassion and beauty and grace in all her relationships.
Having the deepest, most honest conversation in relationships with so much care and consideration.
Doing the things that help up-level, evolve, deepen, grow, and transform your relationships beyond what you know is possible.
Getting intimate with the reciprocity of giving and receiving.
Understanding and developing your emotional intelligence.
Moving through the world with so much love.
it begins in your women to women relationships
I hear all the time, I want my man to support me. I want my man to show up and grow alongside me. I want him to do what I am doing. But he doesn’t do it like you. Other women do. You have to work on the support you give and receive within your women to women relationships first. Because other women are the ones that are going to show up for you when you are falling apart, broken, feeling lost. Because they know what it feels like to be a woman. Your man is meant to support you in other ways.
This is your work. To look within, to change yourself and watch the world around you change.
Your outer experience is a reflection of your inner expression.
Change your inner expression and watch your outer experience SHIFT.
What will your outer experience look like?
Are you ready to find out!?!
I sure am.
Let’s go on this journey together.
over the 4 months, you will learn how to…
speak and be heard
actively listen to understand
master your communication skills
master your own energy
assist others in their growth
discover how you can help and who you help
be in integrity with your word
understand and develop your emotional intelligence
become more clear and calm
be more efficient with your time
have deeper, richer relationships
Our focus this year will be changing patterns
in your family system
Changing patterns within your family system is the goal, as far as I am concerned. Changing the patterns that are not helpful for you in your life and for the generations to come is a huge accomplishment in your life. There are big ones and there are smaller ones that you often aren’t aware of.
Through conversations within this program you will unwrap those that are hiding behind the veil and with that awareness you will change them.
It is big work.
You have to learn to trust yourself and each other. And allow the journey of that to be THE journey, the unraveling, the healing.
The aftermath of the change is a glorious place to be.

This program is currently closed.
Get on the email list to learn when SC 2024 will open.
The details, what’s included, how it works…
Four (4) months of commitment and devotion.
Four (4) 60-75 minute Teachings.
(The Teachings are via Facebook LIVE, one Tuesday every month at 12:00 pm PST/ 3:00 pm EST)
Four (4) 90 minute Group Coach calls.
(The Group Coach calls are via Zoom one Tuesday every month at 5:00 pm PST/ 8:00 pm EST)
Partner Work.
Two (2) 1:1 Coach Calls
$2200.00 in full
- or -
4 payments of $666 (over 4 months)
We begin March 13th, 2023
Twice per month we will meet virtually. On the first session each month, I will teach a lesson around communication, which will be part of our focus and practice for the month. This will be via Facebook Live and they will happen on a Tuesday at 12:00 pm PST/ 3:00 pm EST. Our second call of the month will be all about sharing live in the group setting. This will be via Zoom and they will happen on a Tuesday at 5:00 pm PST/ 8:00 pm EST. We will practice sharing, being heard and listening. We will practice giving and receiving feedback from all of our sisters.
Twice throughout the program we will meet privately, you and I, to work through your specific communication style and anything else that feels necessary. I will help you identify the places that are keeping you stuck from moving forward in your life. You will discover how your communication and being a leader of your life and work go hand in hand. We will meet once at the beginning of the program and once at your discretion.
Each week you will practice the tools with another sister. There will be specific guidelines for the practice and sharing will be over voice memo. This part of the program is flexible and totally fun. It is a brilliant way to learn to communicate well. It is a favorite part for past graduates.
We will use Facebook and Whats App as a way to connect. There will be some surprises along the way. There always is. I am not sure what will come about this year. You will have to wait and see.
Hear from graduates and others…

“It’s an understatement to say that Shauna’s Sacred Communication changed my life . . .
I had a really old belief that people just didn’t understand me. That I was “different” and that I wouldn’t fit in, no matter how hard I tried. I found myself going into spiritual communities, sister-circles, and retreats to work on myself and to find myself but it led to another belief that I could only have conscious conversations with spiritual people. In the meantime, I struggled to express myself in my closest relationships.The work in Sacred Communication opened the door for me to have deeply meaningful conversations in ALL the areas in my life: with my parents, my former partner, my siblings. It deepened the areas that were already good as I brought more of myself to the table with my clients and my friends. No matter where you are in your journey, Sacred Communication will help you take your ability to understand and be understood in your relationships even deeper. And I cannot recommend it enough.”
-Jennifer Tosner (Coach + Healer + Visionary co-creator for a better world Jennifer Tosner on Instagram)
"When I first started working with Shauna I barely knew what Coaching was, was skeptical about the term "sisterhood", and was going off the gut recommendation of a friend to join. But to say this experience altered the trajectory of my life for the better is no exaggeration. Through the work we did together I have become a designer of my life instead of a victim to its demand. I have become a conscious, present, and grateful mother instead of a distracted caretaker. And I was able to overcome the fears that were keeping me in a soul-stealing, toxic corporate job as my only experience of work. My 1:1 work with Shauna allowed me to transform and heal pieces of my life in a focused way, while our group work exposed me to an unconditional type of love and support that I have honestly never experienced before, having coming from a broken family and ego-driven experiences with women. Shauna was a tremendous coach. But more importantly, she has become a dear friend, an inspiring role model of how to live life on YOUR own terms, and a sister I am grateful to have with me in this life every single day."
-Lisa Colella (Corporate Leader turned Entrepreneur + Conscious Mom of 2 magical girls - www.MamasThrival.com)
“Shauna is a walking safe space to explore the deeper, tender parts of life. I so enjoy circling with her and know that everything she does is in the highest integrity.”
- Becca Piastrelli (Author + Creator of The Podcast Belonging + Seasonal Living +Mama - www.beccapiastrelli.com)
“Shauna is a passionate listener. Truly hearing you and not listening to talk or respond. Her belief in the power of sisterhood and its ability to support and transform revealed my own path. She supports my constant discoveries, taught me how to listen without feeling the need to fix, and enjoy being part of a sister circle. Her warmth and encouragement invited me to deeply believe in myself and my sisters--an experience that positively influences all my interactions. I'm joyful to openly meet amazing women, loving life and their path. Working together to love and support ourselves and others is so fun!”
- Lori Pirri (Yoga Teacher www.mercurymoonyoga.com)
“Shauna is unique. Her gift is two-fold— she has incredible insight into people and she has an amazing ability to offer those insights to you as a guide to ‘fixing’ what is broken in you. She was a lifesaver for me in overcoming a recent life crisis. My world had become gray and I felt invisible to others. Shauna helped me figure out what makes me tick, what makes me sad and ultimately how to be a better me! She encouraged me to develop and then be accountable to my own dreams. Her technique is easy in that she doesn’t require you to do homework or prepare for the sessions with her. Instead each session starts with exploring where you are at that time. This discussion then leads to delving into deeper issues and insights. The self-discovering that are uncovered are cathartic and mind-blowing!”
-Miki Moore (Retired + Living a Life of Presence)
Shauna sees me the way I want to see myself. When I feel the confidence she has in me, it inspires me to emerge from the life I have been living into the life I want to live. Shauna helps me remember that I can do it! She models composure, dignity, and authenticity through both celebration of success and leaning into challenge. I am so grateful that our paths have crossed. The care that she brings to her work is so inspiring, and the care she brings to her relationship with me is deeply nourishing.
-Magnolia Barrett (Earth Keeper + Wise Woman + Embody Teacher + Coach www.magnoliabarrett.com)
Working with Shauna has not only increased my awareness of how I show up for others it has helped me prioritize how I show up for myself. Her singular ability to reflect back to me my own journey without judgment or control gives me a valuable touchstone in my work to clarify my intent, my needs and my future. I am a better partner, parent, daughter, friend, colleague and me for having her in my life. In the past year I have grown so much in both my personal and professional life in ways I couldn’t have imagined. In the face of some significant personal challenges, I found myself better equipped to handle them in ways that didn’t involve burning out in the service of others but valuing the time I spent being present with those I care about. I am eternally grateful to the dear friend who suggested I take that first call with Shauna, and I look forward to our work together as I continue my journey.
-Kelle Thompson (Head of Talent Acquisition Brand, Operations and Onboarding)

This program is currently closed.
Get on the email list to learn when SC 2024 will open.
+ What is a group program?
It is a coaching program designed to do personal development in a group setting, with other women. It is important that you commit to the group as a whole because without one member the group is not full. We get to know each other really well and we learn from one another. If you are not a regular user of Social Media that it just fine; however, it is important to take time to connect with the group on a weekly basis. Being present is important.
+ do you give refunds?
This program is an investment into your own growth and well-being. It is also an exchange for the commitment I put forth in this program. Therefore, refunds are not given at this time.
+ How will I access the calls/information?
We meet on Zoom and WhatsApp and Facebook. It is a combination of these three ways of connecting. You will receive content and information via Facebook and WhatsApp.
+ What if I can't make a call?
No problem, we know that life happens. All calls will be recorded and you will have access to them within hours after the call. It is important that you attend as many as possible as this is the best way to remain connected to the group and the work as a whole. All calls dates/times are subject to change.
+ Will their be an in-person retreat weekend?
This year, we are not including the retreat weekend in the program cost. It will be an additional option. The in-person weekend is one of the most valuable parts of the program. Everyone loves it. I encourage you to attend if you can.
+ Where and when will the retreat weekend be?
The in-person weekend is almost always in CA. The exact location and date is yet to be decided.
+ I have another question?
If you have a question that you don't see answered on this page, please email support@shaunalay.com and our Support Superwoman, Christle will respond.