…you + me, one to one, a 7 month journey.
You landed here because…
…you want to dive deep into yourself.
I am here to help you love yourSELF so you embody full sovereignty and create the life and business you desire in the way you desire to.
So…what do you want at this time? Or more importantly how do you want to feel while in this new creation?
(Insert here)
I will help you have that/do that/feel that. Now, it may not show up exactly like you think it will and the path may look radically wrong but I promise you, it’s exactly how it is supposed to be, it’s exactly right. It is working in your favor as long as you show up, stay aware, and stay connected.
That’s the first thing you have to know.
It’s exactly right. It’s exactly as it’s supposed to be.
What I can promise is…time is always on your side, always.
There are many tools for healing. Many.
Everyone’s journey looks different.
The biggest issues we have are wanting things to look the way we think they should and wanting things to happen now.
When you let go of control and surrender to the process. When you focus on yourself and meeting your own needs and desires, the world around you will meet you there.
This is my gift. My gift is to show you who you are. To help you see yourself which then helps you be yourself. To help you understand what your needs and desires are so that you can focus on those things instead of trying to make the world around you change.
Private Support is some of my favorite work
You + Me. That’s it. You + Me.
Sharing all you desire to share.
Moving through all you desire to move through.
Leading yourself directly to yourself.
Can you feel where you are headed next?
Are you making choices and taking actions to lead yourself there?
Only you can lead you to you.
One sentence, one word, one choice, one single moment in time can change your life forever.
I am your mirror.
I am the one who stands beside you. I am the one who empowers you to move. I am the one who inspires you to stay. I am the one who allows you to be you. I am the one who lays beside you and holds your hand while you fall apart and I am the one who holds your hand when you put yourself back together.
And you are the one who leads you to you.
Are you ready to live your life with great sovereignty?
To leave behind any personas?
To honor your desires and live with deep intentionality?
To love yourself more than you have before?
To fully enjoy your family and your work?
To feel whole and complete and fully satisfied?
To know what makes you truly happy?
To live your life from a place of reverence for yourself and for others?
To find your own inherent J O Y?
To seek truth, find truth, be truth?
To honor your emotional intelligence as the sacred wisdom of your body?
To trust your life so deeply that you have no doubt you are leading yourself home?
Take a deep breath beautiful because truly, you are beautiful. You are enough. You are remarkable. You have everything you need to fulfill your dreams.
You just forgot sometimes. I am the one who walks besides you and helps you remember.
This is your one life! Make it the best.
I am so excited for your personal transformation!
Working with me privately is an investment and a commitment. Please apply if you are ready and it feels aligned for you to deep dive at this time in your life.
These are the options to work with me privately:
7 months of Mentorship: $6666 in full or 7 payments of $1111
We begin with a 3-hour deep dive ceremony.
We meet 2x per month for the remaining 6 months.
Unlimited WhatsApp Messaging in between sessions.
2 Optional Bonus Sessions
7 months of Coaching: $4550 in full or 7 payments of $777
We begin with a 2-hour deep dive ceremony.
We meet 2x per month for remaining 6 months.
Limited WhatsApp Messaging in between sessions.
7 months of Check-in Coaching: $2250 or 7 payments of $375
We meet 1x per month for 7 months.
Are you ready to make the changes you have been dying to make?
YAY! Fill out the form below and Shauna will be in touch via your best form of communication.
All photography provided by Dani McDonald and Images By Lori; Video Creation by Camara Rauen and Sean Rossiter