Each person is unique

Yesterday I took a walk on the beach with my beautiful friend. We like to talk about everything, but we particularly like to talk deep, really deep.

This day, we had a conversation about money and spirituality.

There is this big reality in the world of yoga and spirituality that our work should be done for a small cost.  That if you teach anything spiritual, it should be done out of service.

She had recently read a book that suggested you should not do your work for money but for the love of doing the work.

In my experience it is right to do this kind of work and make little money and it is right to do this kind of work and make a lot of money.  And it is always right to do your work for the love of doing your work.

I believe it is up to the individual.

Some people want to be famous and live in a gigantic house and others prefer a small house in the country. Some prefer speaking in front of thousands of people while others prefer writing alone.

Ram Dass a spiritual teacher who wants very little money. He has never been interested in charging for his teaching. His site is donation based.

Deepak Chopra is a spiritual teacher who charges for his work, he offers several different price points for several different services. He has a large center and he makes a lot of money.

Both are amazing well respected spiritual teachers. Both are doing their work. Both are living their truth. Both are a representation of the whole.

This not only pertains to yoga and spiritual teachers but for all of us who feel bad for wanting more than we have, like it is selfish.

It doesn’t matter whether you want a lot of money or very little money. What matters is that you know what you want so that you live in your truth and you do it with your whole heart.

Warning, this is where it gets deeper:

It is each and every individual’s responsibility to live their truth so that the universe can experience itself through each and every one of us uniquely.

Together, we will raise the bar, we will inspire everyone to want what they want, to live their truth, to do it with their whole heart, and (to make money or not.)

In this way We and the Universe are evolving.

Written with Love, Shauna


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