Retreat and Contemplate
I recently read a book; “Your Life After Death”, by Michael G. Reccia. Reccia says, it’s natural for humans to want to retreat during Winter. And so it got me thinking.
Last fall, right around this time, I spent a large part of my time in contemplation. That doesn’t mean I sat in meditation for hours or even sat quietly. It means I focused inward and on being present. I had in depth conversations about purpose and passion. I was intently listening to people. I was spending time with my grandma talking about life and death. I was listening to spiritual talks and books while driving in my car. I attended a 5 day retreat with Eckhart Tolle. I was working with Ali Schiller and Accountability Works, making commitments around dissolving fear. I was immersed. When Spring came I began to pull out of it. And when summer hit, I was in full fun mode. The thing is, I am always comtemplating, analyzing, and thinking about how to be happier, healthier, more grounded, and more balanced but last fall and winter I immersed myself more than usual.
I am taking these natural hints from the universe and I am retreating again this Fall and Winter.
I invite YOU to retreat with ME. Find one thing or a few things that help you delve deeper into your soul and do them, do them regularly.
Thank you for reading, for listening, for being YOU!
With Love, Light, and Soulfulness