
Happy New Year!

I find it very difficult to stay focused during the winter.  Why because the holidays are a busy time and the Winter is cold. The only thing I want to do with my spare time is curl up on the couch with a blanket and a hot cup of tea.  I constantly have to re-commit to my yoga practice.  I know the importance of practicing yoga daily and so each day I wake up and I commit to practicing yoga.  Sometimes I keep my commitment and sometimes I don’t but I always re-commit.

Some tips for practicing in the Winter:

~Practice during the early afternoon, the warmest time of day.

~Practice near a heater or fireplace.

~Start your practice with Standing poses or Sun Salutations to warm

  your body.  This months pose is a standing pose.

~Have several blankets handy so you can cover up if you are in a 

  restorative pose.

~Give yourself permission to re-commit!

Love Shauna


Why is yoga good for your back?


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