Positive Thoughts

I just got finished reading a great article in Surfer Magazine.  I am not a Surfer but I have huge respect for those who do.  The ocean is big and unpredictable and anyone who takes it on, must naturally, come out more peaceful.

The article was about a Surfer who is changing his thoughts.  He started the article by stating thoughts that go through his head when he is on the beach or out in the water.  Thoughts like, Why is that guy riding such an old board? That girl should not be wearing that bathing suit!  He is terrible at surfing.  What an ugly wetsuit.  She has a nice butt.  Sound familiar?  Then he went on to say that he is realizing that everyone is out in the water or on the beach for the same reason; to get away from their job, or their relationship, or their “problems”.  They are out to there to have fun and forget.  He ended the article stating that he is changing those thoughts, he is celebrating the guy who is not that good at surfing but having a hell of alot of fun.  And the girl who isn’t wearing the greatest suit but is celebrating her own body .  Sending loving thoughts instead of ugly thoughts.  He says right now he is 50/50 (50% positive, 50% negative)  His goal is to change that to 80/20.  And he says he is more joyful because of it.

I am a huge advocate for changing your thoughts to positive ones.  It is part of my Spiritual Therapy. It can be hard to change our thoughts because they are engrained in our mind.  In fact a huge percentage of our thoughts are played over and over year after year. In order to feel more joy in our lives, to be happier, it is 100% necessary to change our thoughts from negative to positive.  And just like any practice, with practice it becomes easier!

Everyone has their own ways to bring more positivity into their lives. My interviewees each had their own special ways.I am learning that each person has their very own spiritual therapy and it is a beautiful thing, we are all unique!

Thank you for reading, listening, for being YOU.

With Love and Light and Soulfulness,



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