Get outside

Its October, one of my favorite months.  Today my son (Nash) and I went to the beach and I was amazed at the beautiful weather.  The funny thing is, we were the only two sitting on the beach besides the older man jogging barefoot.  I think when October arrives most people think to stay indoors but actually October is a perfect time to get outside and do yoga!

I used to feel strange doing yoga on the beach because I was concerned about what others thought. Once I got past that feeling, I got to enjoy the amazing experience of doing yoga outside. The feeling of the fresh air on my face, the sound of the waves, the sight of the sun…

So if you find yourself outside, take a moment to breathe in and out stretching your arms up overhead. And if you feel inclined, do Uttansana (standing forward bend). Yoga can be done anywhere at anytime!


Yoga for better posture


The SHOULD idea