my unraveling journey
I’m so grateful for my own unraveling journey.
It’s rare that we deeply change in a moment.
Mostly it takes many moments.
Mostly it takes many moments to deeply know ourselves.
Mostly it takes many moments to deeply embrace ourselves. Mostly it takes many moments to share ourselves.
I use to hide behind a closed door. I felt alone and unwilling to embrace my beliefs, my desires, my magic and my knowing because it felt “unpopular”.
When I first began practicing yoga, my family thought was in a cult because it was not of the norm.
When I first began eating gluten free, dairy free, meat free, GMO free, etc I was considered “boring” because it wasn’t part of mainstream. (FYI I am not free of all these at current time)
When I first began burning incense and plant materials, using tarot cards, meditating, talking to my spirit guides, visiting psychics and energy healers I was considered “weird” because it wasn’t of the norm.
Thank goodness for social media. For connecting me to the other humans in the world that have a similar life experience as me because I feel more normal.
AND…thank goodness…
I don’t hide anymore. I allow “all of me” to be seen. All of my beliefs, my desires, my magic and my knowing. It doesn’t matter if it is popular or unpopular, it only matters that it’s me. It only matters that I embody my perspective, how I relate and see the world around me.
The picture above is taken by a dear friend and client of mine who sees all of me. She captured “me” in a moment in time. One in which I would have never shared before.
I’m so grateful for my choice to come out of my room and stop hiding. I’m so grateful for my own unraveling journey.
And I am deeply honored to witness you in yours. And it doesn’t matter if it is similar to mine or totally opposite of mine.
The world needs more honor of one another so that we aren’t afraid to be seen and heard.