At the New Year, many people create Resolutions. It is a way to create something new in our lives or make some change. However, after a month it seems they dissipate.
For the past three years I have created a Theme for the year instead of a Resolution. It has been amazing and so fulfilling. The theme allows me to focus and make decisions throughout the year to really embody that word.
Last year my theme was Clarity. I chose clarity because I was feeling unclear in my business and in my life. I didn’t know what I wanted. I wanted clarity in my work, in my relationships, in my goals and my mission for the world. Throughout the year I ended most words I wrote, whether on private FB posts or in my journal, with “I seek clarity and this is my clarity”.
Through this theme I am clearer than ever about my life and my business. I accept what I desire and it is an amazing feeling.
This year my theme is Happiness. I am so clear about this theme for 2017. I desire to create more happiness in my life. And I desire to help other woman, like you, become happier!
The definition is a state of well-being that encompasses living a good life – that is, with a sense of meaning and deep satisfaction. Research shows that happiness is not the result of bouncing from one joy to the next; achieving happiness typically involves times of considerable discomfort.
I would love for you to choose YOUR theme for 2017 and then I would LOVE for you to share it with me. When we all know our themes we can support one another in embodying them. Post them below!
Take your time to sit with the themes that come to you, read the definitions, really feel into them. If you have any questions or need support identifying your theme, let us know.
If you want to go a step further you can create a vision board around it as I have done below.