A reflection of 2019
(Inspired by Leonie Dawson in 2018)
Every year I take time to reflect on the past year and create new intentions for the coming year.
I focus on growth from the past, contentment for the now, and intention for the future.
This is my reflection of 2019:
It was a hard year and a really good year. At the beginning of 2019 I was very clear on what I wanted personally. Business was more of a challenge. I chose the word FREEDOM because I really wanted freedom from the restricted thoughts that restrict me.
I always have pictures on my computer to remind me of my intentions, this year I didn’t look at them as much which has me wondering if I need to do something different. I think I know what it is.
My main intentions for 2019 were to treat my body with extra care, host three retreats, go on a retreat, make $62K in my business, write a book, learn to sing and play guitar and knit and cacao, travel, intentional spending, acceptance, togetherness, and laughter and help a lot of people. Oh and re-design my bedroom, which didn’t happen AGAIN! This year it is going to happen, the vision has finally arrived. When the vision arrives, I know it’s close.
Looking back, I created a lot but not everything, I grew a ton, and I expanded immensely.
This word was remarkable. It didn’t actually work the way I thought. They never do. I thought I was going to gain freedom from the thoughts that keep my stuck in my life. The ones that tell me I am bad or wrong or not enough or should do more. You know those??? And it did but there was something else that showed up unexpectedly.
The stories we tell ourselves are mostly NOT TRUE. Stories about things other people think or do. What others’ intentions are or are not.
I had a very deep and real conversation with my husband this year and I gained an INCREDIBLE amount of freedom. All the stories I was telling myself about our relationship, about him, disappeared. I spent the rest of the year relaxing into that and working on the freedom in that. We tell SO many stories in our heads that are simply not true.
I learned to LOVE more and JUDGE less. I am so grateful for these growth lessons.
I also learned more about ENERGY then I every have before. It helped me to protect mine and read others at a deeper level.
Well, this one was interesting because I always treat my body with extra care. So this one wasn’t so difficult. One thing that happened with this one that was totally unexpected but something I have desired for a really long time is…my husband began treating his body with extra care and we now meet at the gym 2x a week to workout together. It has been the such a gift.
In 2020 we are UP-ing it to 3X.
I once read that those that workout together, stay together.
Yep, that happened. I actually lead 4.
In person work is my favorite work.
In Jan, I lead Winter Healing Journey, a day retreat in my home. It was my favorite way to begin 2019, sitting in circle with other women sharing our hopes and dreams and desires.
In July, I lead an intimate retreat in Mill Valley, CA. 5 women, invite only, all a part of my 6 month Sacred Communication program. It is always a deep experience to lead women in this way. It was incredible to see the women’s growth and the support they had for one another.
In September, I lead Yoga In The Trees in Soquel, CA at the Land Of Medicine Buddha. This one was totally unexpected. I have been wanting to host a retreat at LOMB for several years now and they sent me an email asking if I wanted a weekend in September (which I had desired for the past two years). I said, YES, with hesitation, booked it, and 16 humans joined me. It was the easiest and most aligned retreat I have ever lead.
Yoga In The Trees 2020 will be in May. (Wanna come?).
In October, I lead Autumn Healing Journey for the 3rd year in a row. This time it was in MA at The Hawthorn Farm. What a beautiful space! It was my favorite AHJ yet but it came with A LOT of challenges. I learned a lot about leading a growing team.
Autumn Healing Journey 2020 will be in October (Wanna come?).
Mill Valley
Autumn Healing Journey
Winter Healing Journey
As soon as it came into my inbox I knew it was meant for me. Elayne Kalila lead the experience. It was another one of the greatest weekends of my life. They always are! I became acutely aware that I am very much in my body and I love it a lot. I also became aware of the fact that there is so much more work to do around LOVE.
I won’t know if I reached this goal until April, when I do my taxes. I have a feeling I got really close or may have even made more. I definitely want to keep better track. That’s next in 2020…
I thought I was going to write a book. I wrote 6 workbooks. (you can get one for free here) I thought I would turn them into a full book but I decided not to. At least not now. And then a dear friend of mine, who is leading a book collaborative called me up and said, “I really want you to be a part of this book, will you?” I said “yes”, and wallah, I just finished writing my chapter. I never saw that coming! Stay tuned…I will be a published author in 2020.
This is on my intention list every year. My work is helping people.
I was in close contact with 17 clients; they were my main focus for the year.
I lead 40 humans through deep in-person weekends.
I coached my first partnership and am currently coaching my first male besides my husband and children, ha!
I taught many yoga classes including my kids classrooms.
I lead the Choose Love program for the parents at our local school.
Give One Dollar A Day raised thousands of dollars and we helped a lot of families. Wanna Donate?
It was a successful year in business. I don’t know my exact numbers but I know I it was a success.
I definitely learned to sing. I hired my beloved singing coach, Stevie Greenwell after meeting her at a retreat. It’s been 10 months and I’m still going strong. I wrote my own song, sang at a family event, lead Christmas Caroling, and sang at all my retreats. I didn’t even pick up a guitar, that might be next, but I did pick up a drum. I didn’t learn to knit but I learned to Macrame and I knitted a chunky blanket. I sat with cacao for 3 months every morning this summer, I sure love that medicine.
I didn’t travel to as many places this year as in past years. We did however go to Mexico with our entire family for a week. That was a total blast. And I ran into two of my favorite humans on the beach. Since buying our cabin in the woods, we had to cut back on travel. We went to our cabin most weekends. My boys and I spent a month there this summer. It was the best summer ever. I cried when I got home. For two days, I cried. I wanted to go back to the mountains. I love the mountains, the cold lake water, the slowness, all of it.
I have beautiful sisterhood in my life. It has taken time to create it and I am so grateful for my persistence. This year, I created a New Moon Circle in my community. 6 women meeting every month on the New Moon sharing our desires and our truth. I have wanted to create this for three years and wallah it’s here. This intention setting really works.
Money intentions are always a thing for me. I definitely intentionally spent money. And I definitely did not. One of my intentions was to have a “no shopping policy”. I am not sure what my true intention was with that one. I definitely shopped less this year so I guess it worked but I am definitely going to be more clear about my intention with money in 2020. When it comes to money, I did something huge this year. I separated my business money from my personal. This was a huge accomplishment. I have had my own business for 15 years and I have never separated my accounts (duh!). I cannot wait to see what I do in 2020.
I celebrated my 25th Kissaversary (read more about it here). I spent a lot of time with my boys. I had a Wild Woman photo shoot. I developed a new yoga program, Go Deeper - The Yamas + The Niyamas. I launched my group program, Sacred Communication for the 3rd time. I decided to let my hair go fully grey. I stayed at a beautiful beach house with my girlfriends. I hired my support superwoman, Christle. I re-designed my website. I received my 200-hour yoga certification after teaching for over 20 years.
When looking at my intentions for the coming year, I go with what is calling to me. I don’t get caught up in how it will happen or if it will happen. I don’t prioritize one over the other. If it aligns, it will show up in my life easily. It always does. If it doesn’t align, it waits until another time or it may not happen at all. I put it out there and then I sit back and practice presence. If I live in the future for too much time, I loose myself. (I wrote this last year and it is still true)
I have been meditating on this for the past 10 days. Asking the Universe, what would you have me do? What would you have me create? How can I be of highest service? As I reflected on 2019, I realized that everything I created, while beautiful and wonderful, felt a little flat. Like there is something so much more out there, meant for me. I have decided this year to ask for universal support. I desire co-creation. Collaboration.
So…I AM BRAVE ENOUGH TO… is my theme for 2020. I am brave enough to allow universal support to flood my cells until I expand beyond what I know is possible.
I am brave enough to keep a journal. Meditate daily with light sourcing and prayer and breath. Asana. (my spiritual practices are important)
I am brave enough to move my body outside and build strength (I desire more strength this year, in my heart and I desire to do it outside with the trees)
I am brave enough to lead retreats in COLLABORATION with other amazing sister leaders (because co-creation)
I am brave enough to collaborate with other thought leaders (I desire more collaboration please)
I am brave enough to makeover my bedroom (It is happening this year, I have the vision)
I am brave enough to visit many sacred sites (or go on my own pilgrimage, by myself)
I am brave enough to go on a retreat with Dax (because we have never done that before)
I am brave enough to help a group of underprivileged kids (a project of some sort, maybe part of my own pilgrimage)
I am brave enough to sing (always)
I am brave enough to study and teach feminine and masculine energies (on a much deeper level)
I am brave enough to begin a podcast with my dear friend, Jenny Tosner (Yep)
I am brave enough to deepen into and beyond what I can imagine is even possible, let go of any fear, listen closely, let go of all the things no longer serving me with ease and grace, serve all the people with bravery, strength, and a humble spirit, and simply BE BRAVE. (wow, yep, that)
I am brave enough to structure and streamline my business and my money (it is necessary)
I am brave enough to learn about MONEY and build wealth (double my income)
What do YOU want to create in 2020?
Thank you for your witness…
With Love, Shauna