Why create a morning and evening ritual

There was a time in my life when I was in a hurry, I wanted to get to the next moment in time, and I was uncomfortable in certain social situations.  It was that way for a long time in my teens and 20’s.

But I wasn’t that way when I was young.  So I knew it was not my nature.  I was young and vibrant and funny and silly.

Self-care has allowed me to find my truth again, my young and vibrant and funny and silly self as well as my adult self, which looks more like grounded and peaceful and loving and very comfortable. 

It has also guided me to live in connection with something greater than myself, which has brought me back home to my natural way of being.

Why?  Because when I listen for what I need and then I give it to myself, I develop a stronger connection with my soul.  And it guides me in any given situation if I am willing to listen.

Self-care has also opened the doors for a deep love and caring for other people in my life. Icing on the cake!

My routine has changed over the years.  I used to practice a lot of yoga (mainly asana, the poses). I took a lot of classes from yoga to meditation to massage.

Now I spend more time looking within for the answers.  I have a morning and evening routine.  I find these routines to be stable and something I can rely on.

It doesn’t always look the same but it has a purpose.  My morning routine serves to ground and connect and ask for guidance and help for the day.  It sets me up for success.

My evening routine serves to heal and release any fear I developed throughout the day.  And it aids in deep sleep which is one of the most important self-care rituals I do, sleep.

I invite you to create a morning routine and evening routine for yourself, even if it is for 5 minutes and then set aside the time to do it daily or at least 6 days a week. Fill it with whatever your heart desires.

Some ideas may be:
Self-Healing Session
Sitting Outside
Walking Outside
Morning Tea or Coffee
Reading Passages from your favorite book
Reading from a deck of self-help cards
Burning Incense or essential oils


Self-care is self-love


How to align your life with your cycle