5 Tips To Expand Your Time

One of our biggest, greatest, excuses as to why we aren’t doing what we really want to be doing is that we don’t have enough TIME.  

I firmly believe it is an excuse but I also know how difficult it is to change your state of mind so that you have more time, more freedom to do the things you love to do, the things that bring you total peace and happiness.

It takes time to change your relationship with time but it is absolutely possible!

I know because if I can do it so can you. Over the past several years I have slowed down time in my life.   I rarely every use the word busy or overwhelmed or the phrase, “I don’t have enough time.”

Many years ago I was anxious about time.  I wanted it to speed up, slow down, stop. I was all over the place. My to-do list was long and never done.  I wasn’t spending time doing the things that really made me happy.  I ran from one thing to another. And I was not present in my life at all.  I don’t even remember many of the things that I did because my mind was always someplace else.

Sometimes I find myself falling back into these old habits but thankfully I have tools to pull me out and they work every time. They will expand your time! 

1.  Meditate – Either seated or lying down, be quiet and still EVERY single day for at least 5 minutes.
BONUS: You will also receive more clarity and peace and gain more patience.

2.  Do Yoga – Take time for yourself to practice yoga and breathe, slow your body and mind down.
BONUS: It will also bring you better health.

3.  Declutter your home – Keep only the things that bring you joy.  And then organize and find a home for each thing
BONUS: This will also bring you more peace.

4.  Say NO – Say NO more often so you can say YES to what matters.  Choose how you will spend your time. Decide what is truly important to you so that you can use your time for those things.  And stay true to yourself, only you know what will serve you in each moment and what will not.
BONUS: You will also be happier.

And last but not least, my favorite practice of all time, haha!

5.  Know that all is perfect – Deeply know that everything is happening exactly as it should.  Everything is perfect and you are exactly where you need to be in this moment. Anytime you feel anxious about time, repeat these words.

“There is nothing wrong in this moment, I am well and happy, I have plenty of time and I am exactly where I need to be”.  [Tweet it! ] 

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BONUS: This will also bring you a whole lotta peace.


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