with Shauna Lay and Stevie Greenwell
February 6th - 9th, 2025
Guerneville, CA
Igniting Your Dreams, Illuminating Your Desires
We all have a dream inside of us. A dream seeded in the creative waters of our womb. Can you feel it winking at you? Feel it tapping on your shoulder? Just the beginning of a courageous new idea or a dream that has been waiting patiently for years? A dream not ready for the outside world but ready for you. Ready for you to court it, take it on a date, pour her a cup of tea, sit by the fire and listen to what she has to tell you. Time to dream with your dream. Love your dream with your entire body and get her ready to emerge when the time is right. Not yet - but the quickening is coming so let’s take our delicious time and care.
What is THE SPARK ready to be courted?
Prepare yourself, because this fire will transform your life.
“Not all revolutions are public. Most burn in the heart, transform the mind, and birth private dreams. ”
The Details
February 6th - 9th, 2025
This will be a weekend of nourishment and transformation. A weekend to court your dreams by weaving together family constellation, voice activation, sacred movement, women’s circles, body care, somatic exercises, and community dreaming; all culminating in a beautiful Imbolc ceremony on our final night.
“Imbolc is the light at the end of the tunnel, the birth of the new spring.” From Imbolc by Llewellyn’s Sabbat Essentials
Imbolc is the mid-point between the Winter Solstice and the Spring Equinox. It is the beginning glimpse of spring peaking through, the quickening of the earth, the soft spark in the belly. Imbolc falls around the beginning of February with the crocus and the baby lambs.
“Imbolc is truly a perfect time to take the flame we light as the earth turns toward spring and internalize it as well as celebrate it. The idea of a ‘fire seed’ is to plant within you a burning energy that will grow and blossom in the spring and summer.” From Imbolc by Llewellyn’s Sabbat Essentials
The Land
We will be in beautiful Guerneville, CA nestled in the trees and near the river with the chance to get away from the outside world and turn to our inner creative dreams.
May you feel delightfully surrounded by beauty. You will be staying in a beautiful house with a cozy fireplace and a modern country aesthetic. There is a hot tub, sweet corners to curl up in, and outdoor places to explore. All accommodations are included. There is a choice between a shared room and a private room.
The Food
A huge part of this retreat experience is the food because a huge part of healing is in the healing of our bodies. We will be fed high quality nourishing foods that are in season and free of refined sugar. Clean and pure foods help us to focus and find more clarity in our mind space. We are able to let go easier and see where we are going.
Our journey together includes all the meals.
The Accommodations
May you feel delightfully surrounded by beauty. We will be staying in a beautiful house with a cozy fireplace and a modern country aesthetic. There is a hot tub, sweet corners to curl up in, and outdoor places to explore.
All accommodations are included. There is a choice between a shared room and a private room.
“Believe Her. Inside of her body live all of the mysteries of time. She is sacred, She’s whole, She’s a fractal of light. She is scared, She’s whole, She is love personified.”
The Invitation
The Spark is open to all who live and identify as a woman regardless of previously assigned genders or identities.
This retreat is for you if:
you have a spark calling to you
you are looking to reignite your fire
you want to meet your creative fire with love and excitement
you have a dream that is not quite ready for the outside world
you long to dream in and with community
you desire to know yourself deeper
The Sign Up Process
Secure your space with a $500 non-refundable deposit.
Secure your space with a $500 non-refundable deposit.
Remainder of your payment due by Nov 1st, 2025.
Or split payment, due Oct 1st, 2025 and Dec 1st, 2025.
The full payment will be dependent upon what type of accommodations you desire.
OPTION #1 Private Room/ Private Bath $3300*
(1 available)
OPTION #2 Semi-Private Room/ Shared Bath $3000*
(1 available)
OPTION #3 Shared Room/ Shared Bath $2800*
(4 rooms/ 8 beds available)
Other payment plans may be made available upon request.
Simply email support@shaunalay.com to make a request.
*Cost includes workshop sessions, adventures, accommodations, and meals.
**It does not include flight and other travel arrangements.
“She is openly listening, she is responsibly sharing, she is respectfully giving, she is courageously receiving. She is here.”
I’m Stevie Greenwell
Hello I’m Stevie Greenwell. Some of the identities I carry are musician, singer, teacher, constellator, dreamer, and ceremonialist.
I am devoted to compassionate liberation through vibration, sound, and song. We all have the divine right to a voice which can be a tool of reflection and expression to help us learn who we are and what we want to express to the world.
I work with people one-on-one in intuitive and transformational voice work, in workshops, and leading group events.
I’m Shauna Lay
Hi, I am Shauna Lay and I believe we create lives we deeply love by connecting deeply with our lives.
I am a ceremonialist, a retreat leader, and a woman’s empowerment coach. I support women like you by guiding you into your heart, mind, and spirit to claim your desires and say yes to yourself.
Through this work, you gain deeper trust in spirit and a deeper fulfillment in life.