It’s time to create a new story.
Pave a new path.
Herstory is…
…a Masterclass designed to help you re-write your story to teach you who you really are and help you understand the greatness that is meant for you.
Your light matters.
It is time to..
See your life as part of a greater story helping you understand how the women that came before you live on through your actions today.
Recognize your influence on future generations empowering you to take more intentional steps in your personal life.
Tap into your unique gifts and soul’s purpose a this moment in time, understanding that you are not just shaped by history but your are shaping yourself with every thought, feeling, and action
Heal your wounds + integrate all pieces of your Soul into your being, so that you can stop limiting yourself by your thoughts, feelings, and actions.
Understand that your current challenges are part of a greater pattern helping your detach from the shame and guilt carried by all women, encouraging your courage and confidence to pave a new path.
I created this for all the change-makers and freedom seekers. For all the woman who are unsatisfied with staying still. For those who want to move forward and pave a new path.
You are not weak or disconnected or disempowered or powerless. You are a powerful woman who has agency and has come here to re-write the history of women.
But first you have to understand the history you came to re-write.